News Details

  • 2024-08-01

Internal and external anti-corrosion measures for fully electric pallet handling vehicles

Fully electric pallet trucks are indispensable transportation tools in factories and workshops. Compared with manual trucks, they are more suitable for long-distance transportation of large tonnage goods. They have various advantages such as low noise, high work efficiency, safety, energy saving, and environmental protection. However, for vehicles that are often driven in coastal areas, it is necessary to pay attention to their internal and external anti-corrosion work.

Internally, the focus of anti-corrosion work for electric pallet trucks lies in their motors. Secondly, the motor should also be inspected for its hydraulic cylinder, the direction of rotation of the hydraulic cylinder piston, etc., in order to avoid moisture and water accumulation in enclosed areas as much as possible. Usually, it is necessary to adhere to the cooling and ventilation of the electric motor, and set up leakage holes and liquid collectors at the bottom of the battery box to prevent internal corrosion.

Externally speaking, the focus of anti-corrosion work for electric pallet trucks is on the exposed parts of the truck, such as the cover, forks, valves, handles, displays, etc. These parts are exposed for a long time and are greatly affected by air moisture and sun exposure. To prevent external corrosion, it is necessary to avoid operating on rainy days.

Fully electric pallet trucks play a very important role in today's warehousing and logistics market. Only by regularly inspecting and maintaining them, and doing a good job in their internal and external anti-corrosion work, can they ensure their normal, efficient, and year-round operation.